Important information for visitors:
- Pukerewa whenua is Māori owned land, no trespassing by order of the Pukerewa trustees. For bio-security management and health & safety reasons, boundary and main gates on the farm are locked. Contact Jack on (021) 0850-2226 for permission to access the bush and coast. CCTV is operating around the farm and is remotely monitored.
- Whānau visiting the urupa, please sign the Visitor's Book and check for any hazards in the Yellow Wheelie Bin in front of the Woolshed.
- Pukerewa is a workplace, with the exception of the Shearers Quarters to use the toilet, entry into farm buildings and facilities is prohibited.
- Stay on established tracks and keep speed to within 30km/h. Wear a helmet if you are operating a motorbike or light utility vehicle - no exceptions!
- Respect our whenua, it is not a race track or stunt ground for drifting, powerslides or donuts. Keep our whenua drug and alcohol free.
- Do not approach or handle livestock, particularly during lambing and calving season, animals can cause serious injury or harm.
- Avoid climbing gates or fences, keep a safe distance from electric fences.
- Do not litter, take your rubbish with you.
- Keep closed gates closed and opened gates open.
- With the exception of farm dogs, pet dogs are not permitted on the farm.
- Let us know if there is any animal in distress, and/or any potential hazard on the farm.