Don Clark

Trustee / Management Group

Don has a background of over thirty years in manufacturing, banking, tertiary education, social services, health, governance and corporate management. The past ten years has been dedicated to community development in West Auckland, Franklin District, and outreach services in rural farming communities. Don is responsible for human resources, funding and planning, research, projects, and shares operational oversight of the Trust's policies, audit and risk, health & safety and biosecurity compliance.

Governance Profile: 

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Ngaati Tahinga te hapu
Ko Pukerewa te turangawaewae
Ko Hau-a-uru te moana
Ko Makareta Taipari Taiporotu toku tipuna whaia
Ko Te Mangu Wiremu Karaka toku tipuna matua
Ko Hemi Tauranga Wiremu Karaka toku matua
Ko Maria Teresa Veronica (nee Williams) toku whaia
Ko Don Patea Wiremu Clark toku ingoa ahau.

In my younger years I worked on Pukerewa Station helping out on the farm with my dad. He often shared the stories, significant places and proud history of Ahu ponga and the many whānau that lived here. We worked hard in them times, working on the whenua and being raised among a wider whānau and community instilled in me values and beliefs that prepared me for a life of service for our people. To that end, I am committed to the service of our whānau and the ongoing growth and prosperity of Pukerewa.