A Snapshot from 2016 to 2020...
- Rose Anderson (Regional Coordinator) from Primary ITO (formerly Agriculture ITO) met with Pukerewa to discuss and explore tertiary education pathways for our farm staff.
- Pukerewa farm staff attended NZ Beef + Lamb farmers forum for Hill Country Fertiliser & Cropping Options held at Sherlock Woolshed Waingaro.
- Waiariki Polytechnic launched LandEd, a new brand that will lead the delivery of training to the rural sector, providing opportunities for farm businesses to upskill their staff.
- Gill Peterson (Rural Training Coordinator) from LandEd Training & Advice offered Pukerewa fully subsidised training courses.
- Pukerewa farm staff attended NZ Beef + Lamb farmers forum for Waikato Farming for Profit held at La Valla Estate, Tuakau.
- Trustees, management, farm staff and their partners attended four sessions consisting of 1-2 days theory & practical training covering quad bike, tractor & implements, chainsaw, radio telecommunications, health & safety, and hazards management on farm.
- Pukerewa farm staff and their partners successfully completed First Aid course with First Training Ltd held at Limestone Downs Station.
- Pukerewa farm staff remain engaged in Primary ITO approved courses and farm forums.
Pukerewa Station invested in information technology to improve performance management, planning and reporting. FarmIQ will enable management and staff to make productive, profitable, and sustainable decisions for the sheep and beef operation and environmental land management. This is further supported by online learning offered by FarmIQ and continuing professional development courses through the Primary ITO.