Tania Clark

Trustee / Board Treasurer

Tania began a successful career of over twenty years in communications and logistics, trades and retail management in New Zealand. She has more recently worked for ten years in real estate and properties.

Tania  is responsible for, and shares oversight of the Trust's assets, this includes healthy homes compliance, health and safety assessment and monitoring the servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment and machinery. She brings to the role her experiences and skills in commercial and retail property management, and the trades.

Governance Profile: 

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Ngaati Tahinga te hapu
Ko Te Hau-a-uru te Moana
Ko Pukerewa te turangawaewae
Ko Makareta Taipari Taiporotu toku tipuna whaia
Ko Te Mangu Wiremu Karaka toku tipuna matua
Ko Hemi Tauranga Wiremu Karaka toku matua
Ko Maria Theresa Veronica (nee Williams) toku whaia
Ko Tania Olive Tukurangi Clark toku ingoa ahau.

I am the eldest of ten siblings. I have very fond memories growing up on Pukerewa around my whanau, especially our Koro and Nana and our many cousins, aunties and uncles. The values of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga were instilled in us at a very young age.