Many of us have a story or two to tell about that narrow track heading out to the Airstrip and that track leading to the Mussel Bed cliff (affectionately called the "WIRE"), put simply it gave a new meaning to the word 'freak-out'! There was a time many would have compared the experience to that of a roller coaster ride, while some preferred the safe option of parking up and walking to the urupa or coast.
A few to many storms have finally taken its toll on those tracks and sadly the thrill factor is no longer or depending on how you look at it, a blessing in disguise.
In June 2019, it was decided the fence on 'New Road' laneway would be moved over seven metres to accommodate for new works and a much wider laneway to provide safe access for livestock, people, vehicles and farm machinery.
More development work is planned over the next two years to improve farm tracks and laneways.